Well, I've started working so my time has been greatly reduced,
I plan alot but don't get all of that done,
My current projects are:
- a mini game wich is kinda almost finished but making levels is just boring copy paste adjust code, and i get bored doing that fast, and next to that the engine isn't really what i want it to be but i'm lazy,
- a website, wich i have been collecting stuff for, the layout is kinda finished but i collected the stuff for on it until i had to go search a cd, didn't really wanted to do that , so i haven't,
-movies and games about flowerman. Well hven't really started on these, but i'm planning to, but it will take a while.
-Flawless victory collab. this is my main concern right now, i've used my character flowerman and i've started to animate, haven't done much, some drawing and sketching, really need to get it going.
I might have forgotten some stuff but well geuss if i come up with some more i'll add it,
Don't really know what u could comment on this but if u want u can ;) lol
Hope everyone enjoys themselfs
whats the website about.flash?im looking foward to those flowerman movies and games.
black-raven (Updated )
well the website will be a combination of schoolwork/work and hobby stuff. so there will be a flash section 2 but right now i'm working hard on my part for the flawless victory collab, starring flowerman.
when that is done i'm gonna go and finish the stuff i have running next to it and try to get a good base for the website and make that one ready 2. after that i might start a new movie or game, don't know yet.
thanks for commenting